The Hallel

One deficiency in the current versions of Siddur Kol Koreh has been the abbreviated Hallel. Last January, since the Shabbaton in Boulder coincided with Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, I prepared an expansion of the Hallel for that part of the service led by our newly ordained Shulamit Wise Fairman. Now, in anticipation of Pesach, I’m sharing with you an expansion of that expansion. It is still missing the two half psalms omitted on Rosh Chodesh and most of Pesach, as well as much of Psalm 118, but otherwise it is complete. And I’ve reformatted it so that it is the same as the rest of Kol Koreh.

Some features:

1. The translations are now those of Reb Zalman which will also be available in a newly revised edition of his Psalms which will appear soon.

2. In order to access the embedded sound files (see below), you have to download this pdf onto a computer. While the text will appear correctly on a tablet, the sound files will not.

2. For those of you not familiar with Machzor Kol Koreh, I’ve included links to nusach and niggun options which are embedded in the file. I’m hoping that it all worked as it should and, wherever possible, I’ve set them up so that they show when you are looking at the screen but won’t print if you want to use this Hallel in shul. However, I urge you to notice the heading “Comments and Forms” when you are in the print screen and be sure to check only “document.” That way, all these notations will not print.

I learned much of my nusach from my high school teacher, Mr. Rappaport. Out of my respect for all that he taught me, I continue to use it in Kol Koreh wherever I can. I realize that it may be somewhat different from what many of you know and, of course, you are free to use Siddur Kol Koreh for its text and notes and learn the musical nusach from others. And, I would be honoured, and so I hope would he, if you choose to learn it.

3. I’ve added a new feature. There will be endnotes added to all future versions of Kol Koreh and there is one here as a sample. These will be used for explanations and commentary. Likely I’ll move most of the prose from the older editions to this new format in order to make it easier to create smaller versions for public use.

This particular note refers back to a discussion on the OHALAH list some time ago about the barachah with which we begin Hallel and the conclusions of that discussion is reflected in the way the opening blessing is presented.

Please do let me know what works and what doesn’t.
